You might understandably mistake our house for a S.E.T.I. affiliated site, based on the number of antennae mounted to the roof. Unfortunately, when an old roof needs replacement the existing satellite dishes require remounting and realigning in order to work properly. And thus we found ourselves suddenly disconnected from the outside world when our roofer called to say his crew would arrive the following day to begin our much needed re roofing project. After the roof was completed, we patiently waited for the satellite technician to make a service call to put us back in touch with the world. So here we are now, snug as a bug in a rug with our new roof, and once again in communication with the denizens of cyberspace.
There hasn’t been very much interesting activity going on around here these past couple of months (at least nothing that I would blog about), mainly because I have used the winter as an excuse to vegetate around the house rather than perform any useful work. Now that the temperatures are starting to rise I cannot use the weather as a slothful crutch, so expect some new postings about various projects and activities I am engaged in around the property.
For now though, I have to go and check out the source of smoke emanating from the north boundary of our ranch. It looks, much to my dismay, as if coping with fire is going to be a permanent aspect of living out here in the country.
PS – Thanks for all the concern that some readers of this blog have expressed over my absence from the blogosphere – it is sincerely appreciated!