They’re Back!

It sometimes seems as if there is no middle ground in the precipitation department.  While some areas of the country are still undergoing a drought of severe proportions, with crop failures, a pending rampant fire season, and localized water shortages, other regions (Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas, for instance) find residents with flooded homes, rivers 20′ or more over flood stage, and farmers with ruined crops.

Fortunately, we have fared pretty well weather-wise in this part of the Ozarks.  You may recall my post lamenting the lack of enough rain to keep the ponds completely full.  You may also recall, however, my post regarding this season’s hay crop, which ended with a photograph of the ominous skies that appeared over our hayfields at precisely the time that the grass should have been cut, dried and baled.  Since that time, we have not had three successive dry days in a row, which is about the dry period that is needed to process the grass into bales of hay.   The result is that our hayfields have still not been cut.  It remains to be seen whether or not the grasses will be sufficiently nutritious and appropriate for baling when the next dry spell occurs, whenever that may be.

Too much rain?

On another front, the lack of dryness has caused the lawn around the house to grow much higher than I normally like to keep it.  Even when there has been no outright rain, the fog, and the dew that accompanies it, has prevented the lawn from drying enough for me to play lawn-mower man.

Mushrooms poping up all over the lawn

Because the weather conditions are just perfectly fine for fungi, the giant, unidentified mushrooms (which you may recall from this post) have returned in force to my perpetually damp lawn.

A shovel beside the mushrooms to show scale

Again, in case you missed the last post about the mushrooms, here is a picture to help depict a sense of scale of these mushrooms.

Young mushroom specimen

When they first emerge, the mushroom cap looks like the one in the photograph above, which takes on a sort of helmet shape.

Mushroom taking on a convex shape

Soon, however, the mushroom cap breaks free of the ring at its base, and flares out into this convex configuration that you can see in this picture.

Mushroom cap that has flattened out

After attaining a convex shape for a short period of time, the cap then starts to flatten out, and even begins to curl up around the outer edges, which can be seen in the photograph above.

In my last encounter with these mushrooms, I contemplated making a meal out of them, but Duane, for my own safety,  convinced me not to, even though Ed reassured me that Cholula Sauce goes well with anything!  But now I am re-assessing the situation.  Maybe I was a little too tentative last time.  Perhaps I shouldn’t have chickened out, and just doused the mushrooms with Cholula Sauce and proceeded to eat them.

Maybe this is the way to deal with them!

On the other hand,  perhaps they would taste better basted with Stubb’s Mopping Sauce and grilled until golden brown. 

I’ll let you know how they turn out.  Or maybe I won’t!

Animal Roll Call

I’ve been “tagged” by Karl at Pile of O’Melay’s to compile a roll call of the animals we currently provide a home to.  Here is my pictorial animal roll of our domestic denizens.


Chipper is our gelded quarter horse, probably around 18 years of age.  Born and raised on the farm next-door.


Tojo is our gelded Missouri Fox Trotter,  who is about nine years old.


George, our yellow Labrador Retriever, has boundless energy.  He loves the water, which is what you would expect from most any Lab.


Gracie is our very large Great Pyrenees.  She is a wonderful watchdog, as well as a loving, gentle pet.  She loves a good roll in the mud, as you can see from this photograph.


Max (our oldest tabby) was the sole kitten in his litter, born on another farm located next-door to us.

Bosco and Hobbs

These two cats are Bosco and Hobbs, whom you may recall were rescued by Retta along the side of a local rural highway.

Adult guinea

We currently have 12 adult guineas, but they are soon to be joined by our fledgling flock of guinea keets.

Guinea keets

We now have 40 guinea keets that the adult guineas have hatched for us, and they will soon join the adults that wait outside the nursery.


These are two of the three adult roosters that have survived the predators that occasionally pay a visit around here.  They are quite sociable, and always seem to be curious about any human activity that they observe.


And these are a few of the 17 chicks we are currently raising.

 To recap in list form:

  • 2 horses
  • 2 dogs
  • 3 cats
  • 12 adult guineas
  • 40 guinea keets
  • 3 adult chickens
  • 17 young chicks

Be sure to check out Karl’s post to see what animals others have at the moment.

Will Today Be the Day?

Flycatcher chicks

It looks to me as if these flycatcher chicks are ready to get a lesson in flying from their parents.  Although you can only see three chicks in this photograph, there are actually five in the nest.  I suspect that they will be gone shortly, off discovering the world for themselves.

Ideal viewing location for nest

We normally discourage birds from building their nests on our house, but these flycatchers have chosen to build their annual nest in an overhang just outside a front-door window, which affords us a wonderful view of the nest from inside the house, as you can see above.  Having a nest at this location is a little messy at times, but because we have such a good view of the action,  it is allowed to remain year after year.  It doesn’t hurt their cause that flycatchers, as the name suggests, will consume vast quantities of flies.  You may recall from a previous post, entitled Non-Toxic Fly Control, that we try to utilize as many natural methods of fly control as possible.  These flycatchers are just one more tool in our arsenal.