I’m In a Fowl Mood Today

Turkey parade

I’m in a fowl mood because it seems like I’m surrounded by the feathered creatures day and night.  Stepping out the door, I see a group of wild turkey parading before me.  It’s a sight I always enjoy, and it gets me to thinking about the domestic fowl we (“we” – meaning Retta) raise as a hobby.

The old hen house

Here is one of our hen houses, which you may have seen in previous posts.  We use this building to house our guineas, whose numbers range variously from a few, to several dozen, depending on the time of year and activity of the local predators.

Broody guinea hens

Usually, our guineas would find some secluded spot in the tall pasture grasses in which to lay their eggs.  This year, however, several have decided to utilize the nesting boxes that are installed in the hen house.  They have been very broody as well, sitting on the eggs in quite a maternal fashion, patiently waiting for the eggs to hatch and the new-born chicks to emerge from their confining shell.

 Hatchling nest litter

Daily, Retta inspects the nest boxes, and when she finds newly hatched keets, she removes them from the box, leaving behind the litter of egg shells and feathers that you see in the photograph above.  To date, we have 36 little keets, and the number grows daily.

Temporary guinea keet nursery

We place the new-born keets into our makeshift nursery, which is comprised of a couple of livestock water tanks, having a bed of pine shavings and warmth provided by a pair of incandescent heat lamps.

Guinea keets

We will keep these fine looking guinea keets indoors, under our watchful eyes, until such time as their feathers come in fully and they grow to a more substantial size.  Then, it’s back out to the hen house for them, where we will keep them penned up for a few weeks.  After that, when the keets are large enough, we will begin letting them out of the hen house during the day, so that they can go about their glorious job of devouring thousands upon thousands of those ticks that we all love to hate so much.

New hen house for the chickens

Meanwhile, you may remember a post where we took a ride across Bull Shoals Lake on the Peel Ferry, the sole surviving Arkansas public auto ferry.  Ostensibly, the reason for that ride was to look over some professionally built hen houses, to determine if we should buy, rather than build, a new domicile for the chicks Retta had ordered from a local hatchery.  You can probably tell from the excellent workmanship of the new hen house in the picture above that we opted to buy, rather than build.  After looking at the cost of materials to build an equivalent structure, it turned out being worth our while to purchase this hen house.  It is sturdy, portable, and heavily constructed with quality materials by a group of Amish craftsmen in the Seymour, Missouri area.

Hen house interior

The interior has a translucent fiberglass panel to allow light into the house, and features 6 nesting boxes, perches, and slide-out litter drawers beneath the perches.  There is access to the protected outdoor “yard” area from within the house, and it is all protected from the weather with well-built metal roofing.

Egg doors for nesting boxes

The nesting boxes have doors that open up from the outside, so that we can easily collect the eggs that the hens will begin laying sometime soon.

Chickens enjoying the shade of the hen house

Here are just a few of the young chickens that now call this hen house their home.  They say variety is the spice of life, and we seem to be pretty well-seasoned with this eclectic mix of chicken breeds, which includes assorted Polish chickens, Silkies, and Spitzhaubens.

So now, perhaps, you understand why I sometime feel that I’m in a fowl, fowl mood.

Should He, or Shouldn’t He? Would You?

Mushroom found in the lawn

While preparing to cut the grass today, I ran across this gigantic mushroom.  In order to provide a sense of scale, I placed a CD on the ground next to the huge blob of fungus before snapping the photo.

I am not familiar with the various members of the mushroom family, so I cannot identify this particular specimen, and hence, cannot tell you if this is edible or not.  But there is certainly one way to tell:

Should he, or shouldn’t he?

If you don’t hear from me for a little while,  I’m sure you’ll have an inkling as to why!

A Few Days Down East

Once again, I seem to have strayed off the farm, so here I am with yet another travelogue, rather than my usual ranch type ramblins.   Let’s start off in the wharf district of Portland, Maine, where I was surprised to find that cobblestone streets still exist.

Cobblestone street

There are many fine shops and restaurants in the wharf area,  and there are numerous opportunities to take part in “touristy” activities, as well.  Having a little salt in my blood, I opted to focus on things with a maritime flavor, so I decided to take a sightseeing cruise on Casco Bay,  which is where Portland, Maine is located.

Schooner on Casco Bay

Casco Bay is a lovely and picturesque body of water, where you are certain to cross paths with a variety of interesting vessels, such as the schooner seen in the preceding photograph.

Portland Head lighthouse

Casco Bay and the surrounding waterways are dotted with many navigation lights, some with lighthouses, such as the Portland Head Lighthouse seen above. 

Cape Elizabeth light

Another light with a house on the grounds is the Cape Elizabeth Light (seen above), located in what is called the “two lights” area of Cape Elizabeth.

Ram Island Ledge light

There are several lights that are located on islets or rocks within the waterways.  This one, called the Ram Island Ledge Lighthouse has a boat launching pier for access to the light.  The light is now automatic, however it used to be manned in shifts of two-week duration.  That is, except for those stormy occasions when ocean conditions might strand the keeper for many weeks at a time!

Tugs escorting a tanker ship into Casco Bay

Whether manned or automatic, the purpose of the lights is to keep vessels off the rocks.  In the photograph above, you can see two tugboats racing to catch up with a tanker ship headed into Casco Bay.  After passing the Portland Head Light, they will assist the tanker in the berthing process.

Land based civil war era fort

There are many Civil War era forts located in and around Casco Bay, such as this land based fort seen above.

Fort Gorges, Hog Island Ledge, Casco Bay

There are also island based forts located in Casco Bay, such as Fort Gorges, which was active from 1857 until 1946.

Fort Williams

Down in Cape Elizabeth you can hike around the remnants of Fort Williams, which saw active use from 1872 until 1963.  Nearby is the Portland Head Lighthouse, which offers a fine museum for visitors.

DeLorme globe named Eartha

If you head northeast out of Portland, you will soon come to the town of Yarmouth, and if you pay close attention, you are liable to see the world’s largest rotating and revolving globe!  Located in the DeLorme Headquarters, this globe is name Eartha, and is the largest printed image of the Earth ever created (photograph courtesy of The Map Store).  The globe has a circumference of nearly 130 feet and a diameter of over 41 feet.  It represents one of the largest computer mapping databases in the world.  The printed data comprises 140 gigabytes of information.

Kennebec River

Continuing on from Yarmouth along Highway 1, you eventually come to Bath, Maine.  Bath is situated on the banks of the lovely Kennebec River, and because the banks along this deep river slope gently, and because deep water lays close to shore, this location has been utilized as a shipbuilding area for quite some time, hence Bath’s nickname – The City of Ships.

Maine Maritime Museum

To commemorate and preserve the shipbuilding heritage of the region, the citizens of Maine have contributed time and money to create the Maine Maritime Museum, which houses an amazingly vast collection of maritime paraphernalia and artwork.

Boatshop and storage on the grounds of the museum

Located at the site of the historic Percy & Small Shipyard, the campus of the Maine Maritime Museum contains many buildings to house the collection.  Above are portions of the old Boatshop.

Mill and Joiner Shop

The white building is the Mill and Joiner Shop, where authentic shipbuilding machinery is on display for visitors to see.  The large white skeleton that you see is a mock-up of the stern bow section of the schooner Wyoming, which was the largest wooden vessel ever built in America.  The skeleton sits in the old shipyard exactly where it was originally built (except for being slightly upslope from the shore, for environmental reasons).

Bow section of schooner Wyoming

Looking in the other direction, you now see the mock-up of the bow stern section of the Wyoming.  It is difficult to get a sense of scale and perspective from these pictures.  Let me just assure you – this vessel was huge!

Craftsmen working on a small boat

On a smaller scale, these two craftsmen were putting the finishing touches on a traditional Maine “Susan” boat.  Although these men are painting the boat, the boat itself was built by the Bath, Maine sixth-grade class from September 2006 until May 2007.  This boat will be raffled off to some lucky ticket holder, and the proceeds from the raffle benefit the Maine Maritime Museum.

Trap display at the Maine Maritime Museum

The Museum has a wonderful exhibit entitled “Lobstering and the Maine Coast.”  Within this exhibit (which is housed in it’s own building) you will find displays covering all aspects of the lobster fishery and trade, beginning with it’s early origins and continuing to today’s methodologies.

Did you know that in the early days,  lobster were so plentiful that they washed up on shore?  And that local officials decided to harvest the washed-up lobsters to feed inmates in the local jails and prisons?  And that the inmates, becoming sick from having to eat lobster morning, noon and night began rioting and creating havoc?  Imagine – protesting regarding TOO MUCH lobster???

Ship under construction at the Bath Iron Works

Anyhow, back to the Bath, Maine area.  You are looking at a destroyer that is currently under construction at the Bath Iron Works, which is a General Dynamics company.  This facility builds the Arleigh Burke Class AEGIS guided missile destroyers for the U.S. Navy.   Bath Iron Works, in conjunction with the Maine Maritime Museum, conducts tours of the Bath Iron Works (on a limited basis).  I was fortunate to get on a tour, but I cannot share any pictures of the experience with you, because cameras and photography are prohibited while on the grounds of the shipyard (or at any other defense contractor’s location) for security reasons.   I can say, however, that the tour was well worth taking.  The size and scope of the fabrication process that you can see here is absolutely amazing.

Anyone hungry for dinner yet?

Eventually, with all of the sightseeing and walking around, you are bound to get hungry.  Poking around all the coves and inlets brings you into a lobster fishing village or two, where you are sure to run into the local lobster shack, which can be as simple as a converted bungalow, like the one you see in the picture above.  So are you ready for some famous live Maine lobsters?

Lobster people at the Estes Lobster House

No, not like this lobster (which is the work of the proprietors of the Estes Lobster House, located at the bottom of beautiful Harpswell Neck).

Twin lobster dinner, with all the fixings

This is more like what I had in mind.  In my humble opinion, this is the perfect Maine dinner.  Two steamed whole Maine lobsters, accompanied by corn-on-the-cob, cole slaw, drawn butter, and of course, a bottle of the locally brewed Lobster Ale.

Now that’s what I call eating!

UPDATE - December 20, 2007

George Rolt commented that my captioning of the bow and stern sections of the schooner Wyoming was in error.  An examination of a launch day photograph included in the following information sign at the Maritime Museum shows that George is correct.  I have corrected the post accordingly.

Schooner Wyoming