The weather has been very hot in the Ozarks and across most of the country for the past few days. The weather map shows two domes of high-pressure, super heated air that has caused stifling heat, reminding us that summer is here in full force.
When the temperature soars to triple digits, and the relative humidity hovers in the 50%-60% range, it can feel like a steam bath. When the heat of the day threatens to cook all who venture forth outdoors, follow the animals, for they seem to have an instinctive sense of where and how to cool off.
Okay, I recognize one as a dog. Is that white one a dog too? A Pyr, perhaps?
Yes, even though she resembles a polar bear, Gracie is our 120# bundle of Great Pyrenees. Pyrs are wonderful pets, and superb intruder alarms. They will bark at anything unusual, such as a visitor, a butterfly flittering across the lawn, a leaf falling from a tree or the wind blowing through it’s branches. As long as one does not have nearby neighbors that are annoyed by (sometimes) incessant barking, they are loving, gentle and protective pets.
Is this why they call them the “dog days” of summer? Because you’ve got to follow the dogs to survive them?
I’m all for that, mind you – we just don’t have anywhere worth swimming around here.
We should all be more caninish.
Hal, if I may go off topic. Did I imagine you mentioning Wildblue satellite broadband in some earlier post? I need to leave dial up and am too isolated for anything but satellite at this time. It’s either Hughesnet or Wildblue and I was leaning towards Wildblue.
If you do use it, I’d love to know how you like/ dislike it.
Oh I wish we had some water on our land!
FloridaCracker, I investigated WildBlue because of Hal’s mentioning. I haven’t been sorry.
These are the dog days of summer and we definately should follow these smart dogs into the water where it’s cool. They seem to know best.
I have been reading some of your photo tips and I like them.